I found this website : www.babygirlsndaddydoms.webs.com While reading one of the pages about babygirls and their Master/ Daddys.... I was blown away. How can this woman who is a perfect stranger write those words that were in my mind. I truly am his babygirl. Deep down, I dont know if I'd ever have it in me to look for nor even want another. The circumstances in which my Daddy and I have grown together are so unique, I think even an earnest effort to recreate them would be fruitless.
Here are some exerpts that.... *laughs softly*... that were pulled from my mind.
In order for a babygirl to truly be herself with her Daddy, its vital that she find the One that she trusts completely and without hesitation. This trust starts outside of the 'dungeon'. Her trust must be unwaivering and is a neccesity before the relationship can be fulfilling for B/both. A girl's submission and trust is her gift to her Master, a gift that must never be tarnished by her Daddy. A Daddy is unwaivering and consistent, which allows you to trust withough hesitation. you know you've found the One meant for you when you can say and honestly feel as though there is nothing that your Daddy would ask, that you'd not do.
I wont go on with what it says, but check the link here : http://www.babygirlsndaddydoms.webs.com/whatisababygirl.htm I am grateful that she took the time to write it. Even more grateful that I'm not alone in my thoughts and feelings.
She spoke of a "safe haven" Daddy is that for me. He is the calm in my storm. He is the spark that ignites the flames that burn so deeply within me, I'd no idea that for so long they smoldered beneath what society smothered them with.
I'll write later of my tasks for today.
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